Yesterday, the FAA released a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that would update the air carrier definition to add “powered-lift” operations to the regulations covering commercial operations such as airlines, charters and air tours – paving the way for new powered-lift aircraft such as eVTOLs to operate within existing operational rules. The proposed rule will now incorporate powered-lift into the definitions of five kinds of air carrier operations – commuter, domestic, flag, on-demand, and supplemental. The agency noted that the NPRM would also extend the applicability of certain operating rules to powered-lift, such as the rules that apply to large aircraft operations that are not common carrier operations and rules that apply to commercial air tours. The FAA will allow 60 days for industry comments after the NPRM appears in the Federal Register.
Credit to: NATA (NATA is an honorary member of ATOS Association)