ENAC – Italian Civil Aviation Agency has released a Roadmap for adoption of a large-scale commercial Advanced Air Mobility (AAM). The Roadmap’s expectations are for achievement of Italy’s competitiveness in the global Advanced Air Mobility development by 2030, based on three waves of development with an increasing degree of complexity.

The Roadmap should provide the necessary guidelines to:
- Enable services to make the third dimension mobility accessible to all;
- Allow entry into service of AAM applications and enhance national cutting edge industrial and technological capabilities with multidomain applications (e.g. land, air, sea transportation);
- Build an ecosystem to develop a clear National Strategic Plan for Advanced Air Mobility; and
- Develop drone applications for passenger transportation, goods and medical delivery, monitoring and inspection and agricultural support.
ENAC document says: “International experience shows that urban air operations require a much wider range of competences with respect to traditional aviation. Hence, a complete ecosystem integration of industrial, institutional and research centers competences of different sectors is engaged in the project”.
Project is launched by the Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Digitalization and ENAC with the introduced national Urban Air Mobility (UAM) project “Innovation e-Mobility”. Project’s goal is preparation of a Roadmap with clear objectives for scaling-up commercialization of AAM services.
A working group which started work in July, 2020 has its tasks for:
- Identification of AAM applications which are considered to be the most strategic for the Italian ecosystem, e.g. air taxi, medical & goods delivery, inspection & mapping and agricultural support.
- Identification of gaps and challenges to overcome the implementation of the commercial applications.
- Development of a roadmap to overcome the identified gaps and introduction of operational scenarios.
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