The success of Europe’s digital transformation will depend on establishing effective rules to ensure trustworthy technologies, and to give businesses the confidence and means to digitise.
The Data Strategy and the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence are the first pillars of the new digital strategy of the Commission. They all focus on the need to put people first in developing technology, as well as on the need to defend and promote European values and rights in how we design, make and deploy technology in the economy.
The European strategy for data aims at creating a single market for data that will ensure Europe’s global competitiveness and data sovereignty. Common European data spaces will ensure that more data becomes available for use in the economy and society, while keeping companies and individuals who generate the data in control.
Data is an essential resource for economic growth, competitiveness, innovation, job creation and societal progress in general.
Data driven applications will benefit citizens and businesses in many ways. They can:
- improve health care
- create safer and cleaner transport systems
- generate new products and services
- reduce the costs of public services
- improve sustainability and energy efficiency
The Commission has proposed a Regulation on European data governance as part of its data strategy. This new Regulation will play a vital role in ensuring the EU’s leadership in the global data economy.
The regulation will also empower users to stay in control of their data, and encourage the creation of common European data spaces in crucial sectors. These sectors include health, the environment, energy, agriculture, mobility, finance, manufacturing, public administration, and skills.
As well as this proposed regulation, to further ensure the EU’s leadership in the global data economy the European strategy for data intends to:
- Adopt legislative measures on data governance, access and reuse. For example, for business-to-government data sharing for the public interest;
- Make data more widely available by opening up high-value publicly held datasets across the EU and allowing their reuse for free;
- Invest €2 billion in a European High Impact Project to develop data processing infrastructures, data sharing tools, architectures and governance mechanisms for thriving data sharing and to federate energy-efficient and trustworthy cloud infrastructures and related services;
- Enable access to secure, fair and competitive cloud services by facilitating the set-up of a procurement marketplace for data processing services and creating clarity about the applicable regulatory framework on cloud framework of rules on cloud.
Businesses will have more data available to innovate as a result of the data strategy. The European Commission has already published a report on Business-to-Government (B2G) data sharing. The report, coming from a high-level Expert Group, contains a set of policy, legal and funding recommendations that will contribute to making B2G data sharing in the public interest a scalable, responsible and sustainable practice in the EU.